FranCenter is a 501(c)(3) Not-for-profit Organization
The Sisters of Saint Francis of Joliet, Illinois, and parents were instrumental in the creation and early success of the FranCenter clinic. Sister Lorraine Young served as founding director, Sister Dominic Krivich was co-director and diagnostician, and Sister Patricia Wagner was the clinic’s administrator. Dr. Bob Marciante was Executive Director of the clinic from 1983 to the present. He introduced the center’s outreach programs which included staff development and training and placing qualified teachers in schools. Today, the center provides teachers in all areas of the curriculum including staff for Title I programs.
The majority of FranCenter staff holds Masters or Doctorate degrees with extensive experience in human behavior and learning. Educational specialists tutor in all areas of the curriculum, while other specialists work with ADD/ADHD, LD, and with students on the autism spectrum. FranCenter works with gifted and talented students to provide enrichment and critical and creative thinking strategies.
The Sister Lorraine Young Scholarship fund was established in 1990 for families needing financial assistance.
Our Mission Statement
The greatest moral obligation of a society is to empower its citizens to grow toward self-actualization by becoming life-long learners and contributing members of the community in which they live. FranCenter believes the most important work on this earth is to help people take responsibility for themselves and for the world in which they live. FranCenter exists to affirm, support and act upon the needs of individuals, families and school systems to develop an educated and responsible citizenry.